Tuesday, April 12, 2011

30 years of love.

My Parents, 30 years together and married, still as much in love as always. (blerghhh, no, its sweet, its just...well, you know, they're my parents..)

They threw a bit of a celebration party, their closest and dearest friends (and all us kids) it was a great night.

I wanted to make them something special for the party, Mum had asked me to make something to give to everyone as a memento of sorts.

I had been hanging out to try the brush stroke embroidery technique on a cookie for quite a while, so this was my perfect opportunity!

I was so disappointed when I asked my partner what he thought, there I was, holding out my biscuit, lovingly decorated and (at least I thought so) looking so fantastic, he asks "what is it?" I stared blankly in disbelief, "it's flowers, can't you see that???"  Jman then was all like " oh yeah, I knew that..." whatever.

ok, so maybe the first few I did, weren't that great...maybe...but they got better, I couldn't decide on contrast colour or embellishment, so I did a few different ones.
as you can see from the photos!
To be honest, I don't think any of them made it home with the guests as mementos, I'm pretty sure they all got eaten before they even left the building, white chocolate biscuits don't seem to last very long!
I do know that mum stashed one on top of the fridge, she ate it the next day, I'm pretty sure Dad missed out!

Happy Anniversary Mum and Dad, 30 years is an achievement!

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