My mum still recounts the first attempt I had at making her breakfast in bed, I would have been all of 3? toast and tea in bed with a side of mayonnaise garnished with capsicum seeds (what was my father thinking? letting me serve that up!) the capsicum seeds were for added "flavour" riiiight....
My first Mothers day as a Mum myself, was a bit of a disaster. Lunch was being had at my Mums place, so Jman, Jboy and myself got in the car and went for the looong drive down to the parentals. I guessed Jman was holding out on me and would pull out some fantastic surprise some time during the day, sadly that wasn't to be...Jman stopped the car next to one of those "last minute" flower stalls that seem to pop up overnight on Mothers day.
He returned to the car with 3 bunches of chrysanthymums. I DETEST chrysanthymums, they stink, I dont even think they look very nice, he handed me one and said "happy mothers day baby" nice.
The other two bunches were for my Mum and grand mother. (who were pleased as punch to get "purple" Mums) My Aunty K was there too so I
Jman has since made up for the lack of Mums day creativity, last year I even got a card! with Jboys scribble in it! and a badge that I was made to wear all day (not that I was complaining!) emblazoned with the words "no 1 MUM!" Also Lindt balls are always appreciated :)
So to celebrate Mums Day in a biscuity way, I have a Mothers day gift pack to give away! $30 worth of hand made, hand decorated Biscuits, flowers, hearts and a message cookie.
To enter, be a follower of this blog, comment on this post with your ideal Mothers day experience, what would make Mothers day a fantastic day for you?
For another entry comment again to let me know you Like "Becca's Biscuits on FaceBook.
For a third and final entry comment once again If you are a Twitter follower.
(so 3 comments for 3 entries, got it? good :)
Entries close Monday 2nd of May at 8pm (Adelaide time) open to Australian residents only.
Looking forward to reading all your responses! Good luck!