Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Valentines themes and ideas

My whole idea with going into this biscuit thing was to be able to make and create exactly what YOU want, custom cookie creations per se, BUT this seems to be kinda difficult.
It usually involves endless amounts of to and fro in email form which i'm sure is tiresome and just ANNOYING to me everyone involved.
I have been doing my usual trawling of all the US cookie blogs, they have some great ideas with packs made up ready to order as standard. I am thinking this may be the way to go? I have been playing around with an email order form site, trying to see if I can customise it, in a way that would work for me and the customer, just to simplify things a it.... ahhh, it all takes time.

Anyway, here are some more Valentines things I have been playing with.
lingerie hearts...cute huh?
Hugs and Kisses...

and there is more too...still to come...

Don't forget to enter the Vday comp, here, to win $25 worth of Valentines biscuits.

Back to my original musings...What do YOU think? do you think the idea of offering a set pack of biscuits at a set price is a good one? like 6 or 12 (up to 24) biscuits in pack, one theme and 2-3 designs per pack?
please let me know..

1 comment:

  1. Yes Bec - I think it's a great idea! I usually like to order from a range that I can see, rather than making something up myself so it sounds perfect for me! I also think a set pack should be a little cheaper than a custom pack.
    I love your Valentine's biscuit creations!
    ~ Christine
