Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mothers Day Give away

Mothers day, the day that we celebrate that wonderful woman in our lives who brought us into the world and helped shape us to be the person we are today. (for some anyway!)

My mum still recounts the first attempt I had at making her breakfast in bed, I would have been all of 3? toast and tea in bed with a side of mayonnaise garnished with capsicum seeds (what was my father thinking? letting me serve that up!) the capsicum seeds were for added "flavour" riiiight....

My first Mothers day as a Mum myself, was a bit of a disaster. Lunch was being had at my Mums place, so Jman, Jboy and myself got in the car and went for the looong drive down to the parentals. I guessed Jman was holding out on me and would pull out some fantastic surprise some time during the day, sadly that wasn't to be...Jman stopped the car next to one of those "last minute" flower stalls that seem to pop up overnight on Mothers day.
He returned to the car with 3 bunches of chrysanthymums. I DETEST chrysanthymums, they stink, I dont even think they look very nice, he handed me one and said "happy mothers day baby" nice.
The other two bunches were for my Mum and grand mother. (who were pleased as punch to get "purple" Mums) My Aunty K was there too so I gleefully graciously handed her my bunch of mums with a kiss on the cheek.
Jman has since made up for the lack of Mums day creativity, last year I even got a card! with Jboys scribble in it! and a badge that I was made to wear all day (not that I was complaining!) emblazoned with the words "no 1 MUM!" Also Lindt balls are always appreciated :)

So to celebrate Mums Day in a biscuity way, I have a Mothers day gift pack to give away! $30 worth of hand made, hand decorated Biscuits, flowers, hearts and a message cookie.
To enter, be a follower of this blog, comment on this post with your ideal Mothers day experience, what would make Mothers day a fantastic day for you?
For another entry comment again to let me know you Like "Becca's Biscuits on FaceBook.
For a third and final entry comment once again  If you are a Twitter follower.
(so 3 comments for 3 entries, got it? good :)
Entries close Monday 2nd of May at 8pm (Adelaide time) open to Australian residents only.
Looking forward to reading all your responses! Good luck!

baby shower biscuits

I love baby showers, I love making biscuits for baby showers! One of the girls from my mothers group contacted me about making up some packs to attach to wine bottles for prizes at a baby shower, great idea!
She chose the large heart with a message on it and sets of pink and blue foot prints.
I think they look adorable.

after posting these on FB I received an order for much the same, unfortunately  forgot to take pictures due to the Easter madness that was happening at my place at the time!

Easter is hopping along..

Easter is just around the corner, already, how did that happen? Time flies when you're having fun? maybe.
I started making Easter cookies back in March but was side tracked by orders and life in general.

These were part of an order from over Easter, Eggs, bunnies, chicks etc.

The bunny faces were a hit, had quite a few of these going out around Australia!

These bunnies were probably my favourites out of all of the cookies I made. simple elegant bunnies :)

these too, but I thought they could have used some extra detail.

and lastly, a special request from the same customer, owls.

Hope you all had a safe and happy Easter!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Winner of the Easter Give away is.....

Sorry I wan't around last night, but I am posting now, so its all good, right? :)

Ok, so according to the comment that wins is number 34
(sorry the pic is so blurry, but you can still see the number!)

Congratulations Claire Ryder! You will be receiving an Easter cookie pack this week! Please email me at with your postal address, I will get your yummies to you A.S.A.P!
Thanks for participating everyone! New Mothers Day Competition coming up soon....!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

30 years of love.

My Parents, 30 years together and married, still as much in love as always. (blerghhh, no, its sweet, its just...well, you know, they're my parents..)

They threw a bit of a celebration party, their closest and dearest friends (and all us kids) it was a great night.

I wanted to make them something special for the party, Mum had asked me to make something to give to everyone as a memento of sorts.

I had been hanging out to try the brush stroke embroidery technique on a cookie for quite a while, so this was my perfect opportunity!

I was so disappointed when I asked my partner what he thought, there I was, holding out my biscuit, lovingly decorated and (at least I thought so) looking so fantastic, he asks "what is it?" I stared blankly in disbelief, "it's flowers, can't you see that???"  Jman then was all like " oh yeah, I knew that..." whatever.

ok, so maybe the first few I did, weren't that great...maybe...but they got better, I couldn't decide on contrast colour or embellishment, so I did a few different ones.
as you can see from the photos!
To be honest, I don't think any of them made it home with the guests as mementos, I'm pretty sure they all got eaten before they even left the building, white chocolate biscuits don't seem to last very long!
I do know that mum stashed one on top of the fridge, she ate it the next day, I'm pretty sure Dad missed out!

Happy Anniversary Mum and Dad, 30 years is an achievement!

Bonvoyage to a good friend

A dear friend of mine is leaving, she has packed up her home, sold it and will sometime this week be embarking on a road trip, to start a new life in sunny old QLD. (Lucky, lucky, lucky...)

Now Donna is actually my Mum's best friend, I have known her since I was about 9 years old, I used to walk to school and hang out a bit with her eldest daughter.
Donna opened a cafe in 97, I started working there sometime during that year and to this day I have to say it was one of the best jobs I have ever had.
The atmosphere of a cafe in the morning, opening the front doors and smelling the fresh coffee beans grinding away, bacon and baguettes cooking away, the buzz and noise of a "busy" rush.
Feeling the heat on your face as you toasted another sandwich or doorstop, the smiles and "good mornings" of the regulars, or the feeling of accomplishment when someone complimented your "perfect" cup of coffee.
I can still recall the ambiance of the outdoor seating at night, lots of green, lit gently with small glowing tea lights, every where there was a surface, the eclectic pieces of glazed pottery "art" catching the light, the aroma of tasted garlic bread as an accompaniment to the Potato and Leek soup.
Dancing around the kitchen with a mop at closing, both of us singing our hearts out to Van morrison or tracy Chapman, the general comraderie of working there.
Oh believe me, Donna had her moments, but I always saw it as "Sirens Cafe" was her baby, therefore she wanted her baby, how SHE wanted it ;)
Sharney (Donna's Daughter) and I have always joked about swapping mums, Donna was like a surrogate mother to me for many years (as my mum was to her) My brave Mum, to Donna's shock and horror, once took both Sharney and myself to practice "driving" when we were 16! (Mum says she still has nightmares!)

So it was with a bit of a heavy heart that I made these biscuits, I may not see Donna as much these days I used to but, I will still miss her.
Mum asked me to make these for her, so she can not forget to keep in touch! (As if she wouldn't!)

Fare well Donna, I wish you all the love and joy in the world as you start your new adventure!